
Chapter 1.4: the 7 best tips to create an amazing logo for your translation business

create an amazing logo for your translation business

This blog belongs to a series of 4 blog posts. You may also want to read:

Chapter 1.1: Why do translators need a professional logo to jumpstart their careers?

Chapter 1.2: These 5 tips will make your logo stand out and get better results

Chapter 1.3: How to define and optimise the logo of your translation business for better results

Chapter 1.4: The 7 best tips to create an amazing logo for your translation business

Once we have followed every necessary step to get our logos defined, it is time to grab some piece of paper and start drawing and sketching. Here you have 7 ideas that I use to create my own logo. Bear them in mind before creating your first sketch and implement then during the process. I am sure that you are about to create the corporate image of your business!

7 tips to create an amazing logo for your translation business

  1. Do your research. Answer carefully these questions one by one:
    1. Who are your prospective clients?
    2. Where are they?
    3. What are they looking for?
    4. How can you help them and meet their needs?
    5. How your logo can express this idea?

Advice: Try to answer them carefully. The more you get to know your prospective clients, the better. At the end of your research, your mind will be full up with great ideas. Promise! And most importantly, you will have ideas addressed to your industry and focused on your client needs.

  1. Immerse yourself in the brand. You must think and realise that your brand will stay with you during every step that you and your business take. Create something that both, you and your clients would like, something you can be proud of. That is what you need to keep your motivation from the very first moment. Taking this into account, you will realise that you are your brand and your clients will like it, hence they will trust you. 
  1. Sketch it out and keep all your sketches. Every sketch you draw counts. Why? Because the most insignificant idea can lead you to develop an important part of your brand. Gather every idea, every photo that inspired you, and every piece of information that may be useful. Sooner or later, those ideas may evolve.
  1. Don’t imitate. I am sure that you have this translator or interpreter or just someone that you take as a reference, a model you want to follow. However, sometimes you have to get rid of his/her influence to create your own ideas and this is one of these moments. Turn off your computer if you need to and be creative. I draw the first sketch of my logo with a pen and a piece of paper.

Advice: Look for sources of inspiration (I usually read or go out and take some pictures with my camera, it works for me!) 

  1. Don’t overdo it. A common mistake when we are elaborating our logo is thinking too much. When we think about a single idea for hours (even for days or weeks) we tend to miss the main objectives.

Advice: Get rid of those extra pictorial elements that may say nothing and keep it simple.

  1. Cultural differences. Translators and interpreters usually tend to target more than one culture. That means that we have to take into account that maybe we are missing any cultural nuance with our designs, corporative names or even with our slogans or mission statement.

Advice: Show your logo around and check it out with international colleagues. Ask for some feedback. I checked my logo with different English, Spanish and American colleagues and even with a designer before getting it tweaked by professionals, and all them mention some value points.

  1. If in doubt, leave it out. Again, do not overthink. If you have doubts about any feature of your logo, leave it out and start again. You will come up with new and better ideas.

Advice: Leave it out. Go to sleep or work on your translation assignment, just stop thinking about it. But do not discard any idea because you didn’t like it at the very beginning, because every idea may lead you to a better one.

Have you got any tips that you used when you were designing your logo? Do not hesitate to share it!

David Miralles Perez

My name is David Miralles and I am aware of how languages can influence professional environments. Honing communication between two cultures has become crucial in today’s globalized world. And that is what I do by means of my translation and interpreting services. Small and medium enterprises and individuals can now spread their messages through cultural and linguistic barriers and make a big impact on an international scale.

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