May 4, 2020

How to communicate with your clients during a crisis

There’s no doubt that a crisis implies uncertainty, nerves, and raw feelings both within your business and clients. It can have an impact internally and externally. And communication has a crucial role in this context. Communication is key to manage uncertainty, explain the circumstances, express what your business is going through and how you’re dealing […]

establish long-term relationships with international clients
June 19, 2017

3 smart techniques to build trust and establish long-term relationships with international clients

When it comes to internationalisation, different strategies need to be implemented for the different audiences that a business is targeting. It makes sense, because different audiences living in different cultural contexts and countries won’t have the same needs. Hence, businesses will have to adapt their products and services if they want to target them.

compensate the lack of language skills
May 8, 2017

4 smart methods to compensate the lack of language skills in your business

Globalisation is bringing countries together. Nowadays, it’s quite common to have online business meeting among different countries. Last Friday, I had three different business meetings with clients in Spain, France and the US. However, as organisations globalise, when it comes to doing business in international markets, expectations rise as well, which includes the need to […]

improve your business communication
May 1, 2017

7 proven ways to improve your business communication to boost sales and engagement

There are three basic elements that have a direct impact on your sales: quality, prices and communication. Businesses normally focus on having quality products to sell and setting the correct prices at which clients are willing to buy these products.

translate your LinkedIn profile and company page
April 3, 2017

How to translate your LinkedIn profile and company page to gain more visibility and find international clients for your business

We all know that LinkedIn is undoubtedly the biggest professional network out there.   Reaching 3 billion users in 2017, LinkedIn has become a crucial platform to showcase yourself and your business to gain more visibility and find clients or employers interested in your professional profile.