July 30, 2015

Take your content to the next level: content that connects

Nobody is going to read your content. At least, the whole piece of content that you have created. You made the effort of keeping a couple of hours a day to invest them on your content marketing strategy, and people are only going to read a mere 20% of those 2 hours (or even more) […]

July 26, 2015

You will have to answer these five questions to target ideal customer avatars

On Saturday, I went to the annual translators BBQ in Edinburgh. A BBQ that, due to the Scottish changing weather and a sudden heavy rain, had to take place indoor. Apart from that, it was a lovely evening where I can meet new colleagues and catch up with the rest. However, one of the things […]

July 21, 2015

How to overcome the biggest content marketing challenge

Yesterday, I was going through my reading feeds, when this blog posts popped up: “Today’s Biggest Content Marketing Challenge”. Interesting enough, it seems that the biggest marketing challenge that B2C and B2B businesses are facing today is how to create engaging content. It’s very easy to create content once or even twice a week. It […]

July 19, 2015

How to successfully write content for people and search engines

When we’re implementing our content marketing strategies, this question always pops up. How can I write content that ranks higher in search engines and is appealing to people at the same time? You probably know that there are different writing techniques depending on what we want to achieve with our piece of content. Sometime we […]

July 15, 2015

Your success depends on your website translation

During my career as a freelancer, I have translated quite a few websites and fixed a lot of serious translation problems that were causing loses to different companies. Yes, they were losing both money and clients due to a bad translation. And I’m not saying this just to show off. On the contrary, I don’t […]