Visual content or text: which one is better to attract readers and grow your business?
December 5, 2016

Visual content or text: which one is better to attract readers and grow your business?

Is it better to have a visual portfolio to showcase your previous assignment or a well-written service page on your website to inform your audience about your offer?   Are people actually reading your texts these days, or do they prefer visual content not to read endless copies?   Are pictures enough to market your […]

Why a free website translation will kill your business (and what you can do to connect with your international audience and sell more)
November 28, 2016

Why a free website translation will kill your business (and how to connect with your clients and sell more)

You know that a multilingual website is the ideal platform to attract international clients.   If you get your website translated into different languages, it will be accessible to people in different parts of the world. And that means more business opportunities. More audience for your website, and more potential clients who can be targeted. […]

How to write the perfect pitch email to get the job of your dreams
November 22, 2016

How to write the perfect pitch email to get the job of your dreams

You’ve just seen the vacancy of your dreams published online. Or maybe one of your favourite platforms online has published a great opportunity for your career. Without any hesitation, you start writing an email to this person. You know you’re the perfect candidate for this opportunity and you don’t want anyone to get it instead. […]

November 14, 2016

How to make your clients eager to buy your products and services

Your clients come to website to read your content. They like what you’re talking about, and you can see how your visits increase month by month.   However, your sales don’t.   You can feel that something’s wrong because even if you’re attracting potential clients who like your content, they don’t end up buying your […]

November 7, 2016

How to translate blog posts into Spanish to multiply your blog income and visibility

“David, why people aren’t interested in my content?” “I’ve spent a lot of time and money in getting my website translated but I’m not getting any new visitors.” “I have translated blog posts into Spanish, but they’re not attracting any traffic to my website.” “Blogging is dead, no one is paying attention to my posts.” […]