Chapter 1.1: Why do translators need a professional logo to jumpstart their careers?
This blog belongs to a series of 4 blog posts. You may also want to read:
Chapter 1.1: Why do translators need a professional logo to jumpstart his/her career?
Chapter 1.2: These 5 tips will make your logo stand out and get better results
Chapter 1.3: How to define and optimise the logo of your translation business for better results
Chapter 1.4: The 7 best tips to create an amazing logo for your translation business
Welcome to the age of branding! I am sure that nowadays you all have heard about this concept. For those of you who are starting in this world, brand management is, without going into greater details, the analysis of how a brand is positioned in the market, its targeted public and the public reputation of the brand itself.
Today we are going to talk about one of the most visual elements within the branding of a business: logos. Maybe some of you haven not even though about getting a logo. And why should you? We are translators, not designer. We do not even know how to draw or come out with a good professional logo.
Here you have 7 reasons on why you should stop thinking like this. Why should translators and interpreters brand themselves? Why do translators and interpreters need a professional logo?
1. To be memorable
The human brain can memorise quicker images and colours than names of businesses. So, if you want to remain in your client’s mind, be sure of getting a visual and appealing logo!

2. To look professional
Logos add value to our businesses. It is the very first thing your clients are going to notice; that is why your logo is going to influence the first impression of your clients. Be sure it looks professional and is adapted to your targeted audience.

3. To make a difference
Do you want your prospective clients to think that you are just another freelance translator in the middle of a huge translators’ ocean, or that you are a business established translator who stands out of the crowd? A logo can make the difference between your business and the rest out there, and it is one of the first features your audience is going to pay attention to.
We should not be “freelance translators and interpreters” anymore. We are owners of our own translation and interpreting business, and that’s what we need to convey with our logos.
4. To build trust
Investing in a personal identity is a way to make your clients think about the importance of your business. Remember: trust is the first step to engage with your audience.
Take a look at these two logos. Both businesses provide a similar product, but which one would you choose?
5. To attract more clients and endear your company name to them
Let’s be honest. Everyone loves logos. It is the most creative part of branding. It is where you mix your personality with the personality of your business. And you can use them everywhere!
6. To explain your company name
A visual image always helps to explain why your business is called like that or even the values that your business promotes. When the text of your logo is combined with a visual image, it has a greater impact in our clients’ minds.

And this leads us to…
7. You need a professional logo to promote motivation
Once you have created your logo, there is no stop. You have created your own business “mascot” that you always want to feed and take care of. And how are you going to do that? By succeeding in your business!
However, not all that glitters is gold unfortunately. You have to make sure that your logo has been created by a professional. We always get angry when we talk to a client about a translation project, and after checking our charges, he/she says: “don’t you worry, my cousin can do it for free”. So, the same applies here! If your logo hasn’t been created by a professional:
- Your company logo will not look professional.

- Your logo will not be as original or appealing as it could be.
- It may not work in every size and format.
And you? How do you think a logo can influence on your translation business?